Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mexican officials visit Washington

Mexican officials visit Washington

Federal government officials lead by Mexican Undersecretary for North America Sergio Alcocer Martínez de Castro began a work tour in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.
The Foreign Relations Secretariat (SRE) issued a press release on Tuesday saying that the tour’s aim is to address topics on the bilateral agenda. Alcocer Martínez plans to meet with specialists on migration issues, U.S. federal authorities and civil society organizations.
Mexican and U.S. government officials will assess how can administrative measures on immigration benefit the largest possible number of Mexicans living in the United States. These measures were announced on Nov. 20 by U.S. President Barack Obama.
The Mexican delegation will participate in the High Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) with U.S. government officials in order to strengthen cooperation in three broad pillars. It will build on a range of existing successful bilateral dialogues and working groups, and is envisioned as a mechanism to advance shared strategic priorities in the following areas: promoting competitiveness and connectivity, fostering economic growth, productivity and innovation, and partnering for regional and global leadership.
Regarding the the Mexico-U.S. border, the Mexican delegation will participate in the 7th Meeting of the Executive Steering Committee on Twenty-First Century Border.
Alcocer Martínez will also take part in a meeting with the Council of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) and the North American Development Bank (NADB). He will preside over the first technical meeting with the Work Group for Border Violence Prevention.

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