Grupo Carso, which is owned by billionaire Carlos Slim, said it planned to invest 54.7 billion pesos ($3.92 billion) in Mexico next year.
The funds will be invested in subsidiaries operating in different industries, including telecommunications, industrial infrastructure, real estate, retailing, construction and mining, the company said in a statement.
Grupo Carso said it had adhered to the operating principles of efficiency, competitiveness, investment and commitment to the markets it operates in since its founding.
The company also has "health, nutrition, education, research, environmental, cultural, sports and social justice" that it supports to help society, Grupo Carso said.
Slim's fortune totals $77.4 billion, making him the world's second-richest person behind only Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Forbes magazine reported.
Grupo Carso is one of Latin America's largest conglomerates and Slim also owns America Movil, a telecommunications company that operates in 18 countries and serves more than 260 million customers.
The billionaire controls Grupo Financiero Inbursa, the financial arm of his vast business empire.