In Spanish the word Posada means lodging or accommodation, but in Mexico it's also strongly identified with a tradition celebrating Christmas. It originated in Spain 400 years ago, but is now chiefly celebrated in Latin America. Representing the nine months of pregnancy for the Virgin Mary, Posada takes place over the nine days up to and including Christmas Eve, and is deeply rooted in the Mexican culture.
That's no less true in Maz, and an additional part of that tradition is it never rains for Posada....except last season it did. We had beautiful weather virtually all last winter, and so far this years has been something of a carbon copy. Now the mirror image may include some rain for Posada again, although it's only a 50 / 50 chance, and may just miss to hit Christmas or the day after.
Leading up to Christmas those of you in, or headed to Maz for the holidays, will be unwrapping a present of glorious sunshine and warm temperatures ! Yesterday saw a lot of overcast, but today dawned with a beautiful sunrise and mostly blue skies. Here's a photo of it that should trigger all kinds of memories:
Tomorrow should finish the changeover into an extended period of our famous Sun, Sun, Fun winter weather. This until we eventually go into Posada rain watch for Christmas or Boxing Day. Expect high temperatures to be a titch above our 80 degree (27 C.) benchmark for the end of December, and changing little from day to day. Our lows will have a little more variety, albeit barely since they'll be just under or a degree or two over our low end benchmark of 60 (15.5 C.)
In other word ridiculously pleasant and consistently wonderful. Overcast? Nada until Christmas, and then if and when any rain clears up....right back to Samo Samo ! You want to laugh at your friends freezing back home by taking a pic...of taking a dip (in the Pacific)? No problemo, the water is a balmy 77 degrees (25 C.) or so.
Oh and lest I forget our visitors who like to boogie board and body surf, you'll be having a Posada adventure too. An unseasonable late storm in the Southern Hemisphere saw two small, but back to back storms create some nice little waves. Not big for sure, but potentially lots of fun and a Godsend after a depressingly long period of calm waters.
In addition the double storm factor (they were about 1,000 miles apart) will makes the waves last a couple more days than normal, and come in from two slightly different angles. This creates those wedge peaks for better shape and more power that surfers love on smaller days. Expect waves to arrive sometime over the weekend, and hopefully lasting at least into the middle of next week. You may want to try breakfast at Mr. Lionso's Restaurant to take in all the action.
As always if you're in Maz have a great time, and keep that sun screen handy. If you're not in Maz? Well, get with it and make that're missing out on some spectacular weather !
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