Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Investors launch 100% Mexican cell service provider

new cell service operator

A new low-cost mobile phone service provider began operating this week, and it’s 100% Mexican. Maz Tiempo will charge 97 centavos per minute to any destination in Mexico, without conditions, and without “the small print,” says the company.
Maz Tiempo joins Virgin Mobile, Tuenti, Megacable and Maxcom as the country’s first Mobile Virtual Network Operators, providers that do not have their own licensed radio spectrum or network infrastucture. All three are using the Telefónica network.
The new operator will begin offering service in Mexico City and later rolling it out to other regions, and is projecting a client base of 3 million in the first year. It says its air time will never expire and phones are priced from 249 pesos with 300 pesos of air time.
Company chief Moisés Payán points out that the new telecommunications law states that users can buy service from another provider once they have finished paying for a phone purchased with a contract.
Maz Tiempo says the company was formed by a group of Mexican investors with more than 15 years’ experience in telephony, with an investment of about US $25 million.
“With national coverage and the best speed, Maz Tiempo’s signal will run on a 3G network with the highest connection levels for data and voice reception,” said Payán.
There are roughly 103 million cell phone users in Mexico, of whom 84% use a prepaid service, by means of recharges, according to the Federal Telecommunications Institute.
Source: CNN Expansion (sp)
- See more at: http://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/investors-launch-100-mexican-cell-service-provider/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=maztiempo-26-08#sthash.tiedxzbx.dpuf

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