Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Top Decorating Tips for Long Narrow Rooms


  • Paint one of the end walls a dark color
  • Paint one of the end walls a warm color (reds, oranges, some warm purples, some warm greens)


  • Use wallpaper with a bold or large scale pattern on one of the end walls
  • Use a wallpaper with horizontal stripes, or paint horizontal stripes (3 wide ones will do) on one of the end walls...
    Even a single stripe, or a chair-rail or border can help create this 'horizontal' or 'wide' illusion.

principles of design for long narrow rooms - look at layout - use the central space


  • Use mood lighting or ambient lighting
  • Use lighting that does not cast too much light up onto the ceiling - down lighters are recommended

Arranging Furniture

  • Be careful how you arrange your furniture - don't line it all up down the long walls... could end up looking like a waiting room - which is not a look anyone wants to go for!
  • Where space allows try bringing furniture into the center of the space - choose smaller pieces if possible, as this will help.

  • principles of design for long narrow rooms - look at layout - use the central space

  • You could try positioning a rug crossways across your floor to emphasise the width of the room (as long as it doesn't end up looking too 'crammed in').
  • Create a focal point in the center of your room - a lovely picture, a large vase of flowers, perhaps.
    This will bring attention to your special piece, and distract attention away from looking at the narrowness of the walls.

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