Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Illinois Gov. Quinn Calls Mexico Trade Trip A Success

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn  (Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

 Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is back from a trade mission in Mexico and he says steps have been made to build upon the state’s role in the global marketplace.
Quinn says several economic agreements were made that will pave the way for increased trade and innovation between Illinois and Mexico. “Mexico plays an important role in our economy as Illinois’ second largest export market,” Quinn said. “These agreements between Illinois and Mexico build upon our shared effort to expand out economies and boost innovation.”
Besides drumming up business for Illinois companies, Quinn says an agreement was made that will result in more Illinois soybeans shipped to Mexico. “We were with a soybean farmer from Plano, Ill. and we signed an agreement to sell more soybeans to Mexican interests,” Quinn said.
Quinn also encouraged a separate agreement between the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association and the State of Mexico Industrialists Association to promote trade missions, trade shows and international events.
Quinn was the first Illinois governor to visit Mexico in 13 years


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