Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Citizens clean Gaviotas beach

The city of Mazatlán is preparing to have its beaches in the Golden Zone certified as Clean Beaches by the Mexican Institute of Certifications (IMNC) on May 7th.
Over the weekend Mazatlán’s Clean Beach Council and dozens of volunteers from schools and nearby hotels began cleaning the beach at Playa Gaviotas in order to meet the certification standards.
Ángel García Contreras, head of municipal ecology, said cleaning of the Gaviotas beach was, “Not just traditional cleaning, but cleaning to a depth of 15 centimeters to remove all small foreign objects.”
To qualify for “Clean Beach” certification, a beach must be found to be completely clean within an area of over 1,000 square feet. The quality of the water, sand and atmosphere must be in excellent condition and free of any debris or particle contaminant. There cannot be more than five cigarette remains, cans or bottles over a 12-week period.

(from El Debate)

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