Monday, June 25, 2012

Mazatlan, Mexico: Pearl of the Pacific, part two

Summer Escapes
June 13, 2012
Sheila OConnor
SF World Travel Examiner
Continued from part one: Mazatlan, Mexico: Pearl of the Pacific


If it's art you are looking for, then know that Mazatlan has a thriving art community, introduced by an expat American lady, Glen Rogers. You can do the Art Walk every month that she started and feast your eyes on some beautiful contemporary art.

Check out the Luna Arte Contemoraneo at Ninos Heroes between Sixto Osuna and Romanita de la Pena for just one studio that says it "exhibits paintings, prints, and drawings by local and international artists: a collective that encircles abstract to realism." It's well worth seeing, even if you didn't think you were an art buff. Rogers herself has an art studio that's also worth checking out.


If that previously-mentioned dancing in the streets doesn't have enough of an adrenalin rush for you, then don't worry, because there are plenty of action sports and adventures to get your spirits going.
Take the nine (yes, nine) zip lines that you can go on to cross the jungle with Huana Coa Canopy Adventure. The same organization that conducts the canopy tours also has ATVs to the serene village of La Noria if you prefer to stay on terra firma.

For some, the real adventure lies in checking out spirits of a different kind at the nearby tequilla distillery at Los Osuna.


One hotel that is a great kicking-off place for the above activities is the all-inclusive resort El Cid Marina Beach, where everything (including the mini-bar in the room) is paid for. It's right on the waterfront and the pools, along with shopping and just relaxing, are well worth the stay. The service here too is impeccable. This Examiner forgot to pack a toothbrush and the staff here were attentive and super-fast in getting me another one.


But holidays are all about complete relaxation and if a spa is your thing then check out the Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay hotel whose spa puts the aaaaah right back into the word Maaaahzatlan. The hardest part is getting off the table.

Bay Cruise

After the spa you just might be able to drag your noodle-like body to a bay cruise. Believe me, it will be worth it! There's lunch and an open bar included and you will be taken to the quiet Deer island where you can snorkel, kayak and try to stay on the banana boat when it comes to an abrupt halt! Ah, such fun.

Shrimp Bucket

One of the best dining experiences, it has to be said, is at the Shrimp Bucket. Here they cook shrimp four different ways - every one of them delicious. You would be surprised how delicious coconut shrimp can be.

"Mazatlan is an awesome place! Who knew there was so much to do here!" says Melissa Curtin, an LA resident, who flew only 2 hours to reach Mazatlan.

I couldn't agree more.

On my last day in Mazatlan I felt a sadness in leaving. Just as I prepared to check out my room, I bumped into one of the chambermaids at the hotel. We stopped in our tracks and just looked at each other. Then both of us broke out in smiles and laughter. It was the lovely señora from the dancing-in-the-street party. That's why she'd looked vaguely familiar. She worked at the hotel.

We hugged and nodded and recognized a kindred spirit. Still, neither of us spoke the other's language.
But it really didn't matter. Because dancing - which they do so beautifully in Mazatlan - is an international language all of its own.

No words of any kind required.

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