Monday, February 13, 2012

Company Proposes Using Recycled Plastics in Construction Projects

One home requires 3 tons, 800 kilos of plastic to construct.

The first national company to use recycled garbage and plastic in construction projects plans to build 2,000 ecologically viable homes in Sinaloa.

Director General of the company Pitahaya, Victor Manuel Bolivar, told members of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry yesterday that he wants to ensure there is no plastic in rivers, oceans and canals, or contamination in any areas of the environment.

Structures composed of recycled plastic represent a 40 percent savings in material, he said, and are highly resistant generating no humidity within the structure, no deterioration as plastic is not biodegradable and can withstand winds up to 180 kilometers per hour in the case of a hurricane.
What is complicated, he went on to say, is convincing people to change from traditional construction materials. Local construction companies must adapt today because the recycled material will save energy and lower costs, but he added that the Mexican culture has not yet accepted this type of change.

The company processes 50 tons of plastic a day in several States in Mexico and Sinaloa will be the next state the company intends to incorporate into their plans.

The project proposes building one home of 52 square meters a week, which will require 3 tons, 800 kilos of plastic from one of their two recycling plants at a cost of 180,000 pesos. At the moment, said Bolivar, they have started collecting plastic throughout the State of Sinaloa to begin construction of the first homes.

(from Noroeste)

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