Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Rain, Rain Come Another (And Another - And Another) Day? - Mazatlan weather report

In the Northern US and Canada folks are hoping for a possible Indian Summer…those glorious days of Fall when dry warm air provides a last taste of summer.  In a weird way Maz is already experiencing a last fling with summer, as Hurricane Vance first made it feel like August again.    

I say weird because after Vance pushed up a very humid wave of warm air, the next step was a rainy chill almost like a those experienced in Vancouver or Portland.  More importantly for our NOB visitors, Vance latched onto a cousin and is carrying a big long tail we’ll be dealing with. 

The key question for this week and beyond is lluvia (rain) once….or twice?  Not large amounts in waves, as you usually expect from a Tropical Storm.  Rather a steady mild rain, combined with occasional periods of cool wind being drawn in off the mountains toward the storm center.  Let me explain. 

Shortly after Vance moved West out to sea, another area of disturbance developed off the coast near Acapulco.  This was reminiscent of the “Hurricane Bus Route” days of September.  However rather than two distinct storms, in this case Vance lingered in the area while the next weaker storm drew closer.

Given a different birth time our small cousin could have traveled a different route.  However the natural pull of outward air toward a storm center allowed Vance to latch onto the new area of disturbed air.  Now instead of the prototypical round storm, we’ve got a very long tail.  The result is we’ll have our current rain continuing through at least tomorrow, and possibly Thursday Then watch to see if the lagging tail brings more of the wet stuff early next week. 

In the interim expect some clear gorgeous weather for a three day weekend starting Friday.  If you were thinking about that trip to El Quelite or the zip line fun, this is a great time to do it.  Highs should be in the low 80’s to maybe 85 (29 – 30 C.) with mild winds just right for keeping it pleasant.  Low’s will be in the high 60’s (20 – 21 C.), with moderate humidity.  Just right for sleeping under the sheets with the A/C off. 

In a day or two the tail will be more discernable as to direction (it may miss us to the South) and how much moisture it carries.   Stay tuned for an update.  In the meantime after it moves through we look to move into our typical November weather pattern.  Warm days and pleasant nights, with noticeably dryer air. 

Have a great time if you’re in Maz, and if not see you soon!

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