Friday, August 22, 2014

Helpful Tips for Mexico-Bound Travelers


 As a result of Mexico border violence that spurred a travel advisory by the U.S. State Department in October 2008, Arizona’s three universities have recently issued their own advisories encouraging soon-to-be spring breakers to stay north of the border. While AAA Arizona encourages travelers to heed travel warnings, the auto club would also like to remind travelers that popular spring break destinations in Mexico can still be safe to visit, provided travelers heed certain precautions. 

“Despite travel warnings, Rocky Point, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and other destinations in Mexico appeal to Arizona travelers as a result of their        affordability and proximity to Arizona,” said Don Gleason, vice president of travel for AAA Arizona.

 “Nearly 8.7 million Americans traveled to Mexico in 2008, according to the Mexican Consulate. The majority of them did so without incident.”

While AAA Arizona advises Mexico-bound travelers to heed travel warnings, the auto club would also like to remind travelers that crime and violence is not confined to one region or area of the country. In addition, it is important to note that the border violence that spurred travel advisories earlier this year is fairly isolated and has not been reported in resort areas and on the major highways leading to popular destinations. 

“No matter the destination, it is important for travelers to utilize common sense and exercise caution while on vacation,” Gleason said. 

As a result of the recent travel advisories and because laws in Mexico differ from laws in the United States, AAA Arizona encourages Mexico-bound travelers to be aware of the following while planning, enjoying and returning from their stay across the border:

Before You Go:

Be prepared for new border requirement laws. U.S. citizens 19 years of age or older will be required to present both a government-issued photo ID and proof of citizenship, such as a passport, or a birth certificate and driver’s license. Citizens 18 years old or younger will be required to present proof of citizenship, such as a passport or birth certificate. Passports and birth certificates must be original or certified copies; photocopies will not be accepted. On June 1, this requirement will change and all U.S. citizens returning to the country from Mexico will need a valid passport. 

If traveling by vehicle, buy Mexico auto insurance. U.S. auto insurance is not valid in Mexico; though some companies extend their coverage a certain number of miles from the border, Mexican officials will not recognize this. If a collision occurs, a Mexico auto policy is the only form of insurance the authorities will accept as evidence of financial responsibility. If you cannot provide Mexico auto insurance, you could be arrested and sent to jail. 

Bring copies of important documents. Make copies of your passport, birth certificate and driver’s license and store them separate from the originals. 

Leave a copy of your itinerary with a friend or family member at home. Include approximate arrival and departure times as well as destination information so that people know where and when you are expected and how to get a hold of you in case of an emergency. 

During Your Stay:

Remember that in Mexico, you are assumed guilty until proven innocent. This means that if you are arrested for any reason, you may be jailed until you can prove your innocence. For this reason, obey all laws in Mexico. 

Stay with your party at all times and avoid sharing your travel itinerary with people you meet on vacation. Do not hail a taxi yourself. If you need a taxi, ask someone from your hotel or a restaurant to summon an authorized taxi for you. 

If you plan on renting recreational vehicles, such as jet skis and ATVs, use caution. These may be uninsured, underinsured or not covered by your personal insurance. Read the rental contract carefully and do not operate these vehicles recklessly. If you incur damage to other vehicles or people while operating a rented vehicle, you could be arrested until full restitution is made. 

Drive carefully. When driving in Mexico, remember that speed limits are posted in kilometers rather than miles per hour. Obey the speed limits and other traffic controls, even if other motorists are ignoring them.

Upon Your Return:

Pick your return day and time carefully. According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, peak wait times at the border are Sundays and Mondays between noon and 7:00 p.m. Avoid returning on these days and arrive at the border before 9:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. to reduce delays. 

Be prepared with all required documents for everyone in your traveling party before approaching border patrol agents. Be sure to answer all questions truthfully and declare all items acquired while in Mexico. The amount of merchandise you can bring back from Mexico varies by region. 

Motorists interested in purchasing affordable Mexico auto insurance can do so at any AAA branch office or by visiting 

For more information on document requirements and prohibited or restricted items, travelers can visit the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website.

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